
2017/08/09 Tools


笔者使用Openlayers有两年左右的时间了,一些常用的功能反反复复的使用过数遍,对一些功能的实现也有简单的了解。但是,学问不能止于此,有些概念仍然要多多学习。我对Openlayers的入门算是从这本《Openlayers Beginner》开始的,如今也想着返璞归真,重新阅读一遍原书,并尝试简单翻译。习笔拙作,难入法眼,在此贻笑大方了。


When you look at a map, you are looking at a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object (the earth). Because we are, essentially, ‘losing’ a dimension when we create a map, no map is a perfect representation of the earth. All maps have some distortion. The distortion depends on what projection (a method of representing the earth’s surface on a two dimensional plane) you use. In this chapter, we’ll talk more about what projections are, why they’re important, and how we use them in OpenLayers. We’ll also cover some other fundamental geographic principles that will help make it easier to better understand OpenLayers.


In this chapter, we will cover:

‹Concept of map projections ‹

Types of projections ‹

Longitude, latitude, and other geographic concepts ‹

OpenLayers projection class ‹

Transforming coordinates

Let’s get started!





·Openlayers projection 类



Map projections

No maps of the earth are truly perfect representations; all maps have some distortion. The reason for this is because they are attempting to represent a three dimensional object (an ellipsoid: the earth) in two dimensions (a plane: the map itself).

A projection is a representation of the entire, or parts of a, surface of a three dimensional sphere on a two dimensional plane (or other type of geometry).




Why on earth are Projections used?

Every map has some sort of projection—it is an inherent attribute of maps. Imagine unpeeling an orange and then flattening the peel out. Some kind of distortion will occur, and if you try to fully fit the peel into a square or rectangle (like a flat, two dimensional map), you’d have a very hard time.

To get the peel to fit perfectly onto a flat square or rectangle, you could try to stretch out certain parts of the peel or cut some pieces of the peel off and rearrange them. The same sort of idea applies while trying to create a map.

There are literately an infinite amount of possible map projections; an unlimited number of ways to represent a three dimensional surface in two dimensions, but none of them are totally distortion free.

So, if there are so many different map projections, how do we decide on what one to use? Is there a best one? The answer is no. The ‘best’ projection to use depends on the context in which you use your map, what you’re looking at, and what characteristics you wish to preserve.







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